Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Ittefaq falls for Google's April Fools Joke

A little humour break.

As is the custom, Google and a bunch of other tech companies came out with their annual April Fool fake news, and looks like Ittefaq fell for it hook, line and sinker. The news item: Google Toilet ISP (TISP). Basically, Google would provide free broadband Internet access through, you guessed it, your toilet.

And Ittefaq published it as serious news. As the date is April 03, they can not claim they were also kidding. I wonder--didn't even the PHD set off some alarms? BTW, the concept of fiber through sewer pipes isn't exactly new or novel, its been done before. But Mr (or Ms. Mishu) and Ittefaq's tech editor: this was a JOKE.

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